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Category Archives: Student Loans


Can You File for Bankruptcy on Student Loans?

By Wadhwani & Shanfeld |

Student loan debt is a significant burden for many Americans, and the question of whether it can be discharged in bankruptcy is a common concern. While bankruptcy can provide relief from various types of debt, student loans are notoriously difficult to discharge. However, it is not impossible. The general rule is that student loans… Read More »

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8 Tips for Paying off Student Loans Faster

By Wadhwani & Shanfeld |

Millions of Americans are saddled with thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt. In fact, student loan debt has become a national crisis, with $1.2 trillion worth of outstanding debt in the United States. Approximately 70 percent of bachelor’s degree recipients graduate with massive amounts of debt, all at a… Read More »

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