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Yearly Archives: 2015


New Amnesty Program Offers Financially Challenged Californians a Way Out of Traffic Debt

By Wadhwani & Shanfeld |

A new program aimed at helping Californians with limited means free themselves of driving debt will take effect this week as part of Governor Jerry Brown’s annual budget. Brown has long criticized the current traffic court system, calling it a “hellhole of desperation” for people who are caught in it. The inability to pay… Read More »

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How to Start Using the Right Student Loan Repayment Plan

By Wadhwani & Shanfeld |

Graduating college and entering the workforce is exciting, but not always easy – especially if you’re having trouble paying back your student loans. Although student loan forgiveness may eliminate up to $1 billion in debt, Public Loan Student Forgiveness (PLSF) won’t take full effect until 2017. In the meantime, college graduates are still struggling… Read More »

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Debt Collection Lawsuits and How They Progress

By Wadhwani & Shanfeld |

Creditors may believe that you will end up defaulting on your debt if you start falling behind on regular payments. In many of these cases, creditors start in a subtle manner. First, they send out reminder notices to inform you of your missed payments. However, if your account remains behind, creditors or debt collection… Read More »

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How Automatic Stay Can Help You During Bankruptcy

By Wadhwani & Shanfeld |

What is the Automatic Stay? Filing for bankruptcy may seem daunting. However, one of the most helpful tools for those filing bankruptcy is automatic stay. This United States bankruptcy law does not allow creditors or debt collectors to take legal action or file lawsuits against debtors once the bankruptcy process has begun. This can… Read More »

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Can You File for Bankruptcy if you have a Huge Medical Bill?

By Wadhwani & Shanfeld |

Even people with excellent credit and responsible financial habits file for bankruptcy. Unforeseen life events like expensive divorces, the sudden loss of a job, and a long-term illness can cause problems with debt that only bankruptcy can solve. One of the most difficult financial burdens to overcome is mounting medical bills. With rising healthcare… Read More »

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Student Loan Forgiveness to Help Eligible Borrowers by 2017

By Wadhwani & Shanfeld |

Student loans, held by as many as 43 million Americans, have the highest rate of default and delinquency rates of all consumer debts. This liability is worth a staggering $1.3 trillion, with the average student loan debt totaling approximately $33,000 per borrower. With borrowers facing growing demands in a tough labor market, many people… Read More »

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Making the Most of Bankruptcy: Eight Things to Do After Your File

By Wadhwani & Shanfeld |

You just received your bankruptcy discharge; now it is time to start thinking about your future. With a solution to your debt, you may be wondering what to do next. Consider the eight steps listed below to move forward, rebuild your credit, and ensure a solid financial future. Retain copies of your bankruptcy paperwork…. Read More »

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Student Loan Debt Crisis Cripples Countless Americans

By Wadhwani & Shanfeld |

Millions of Americans are struggling under mountains of student loan debt, often holding them back from their future prospects. Crippling debt is putting people’s lives on hold, and is having serious effects on the economy. With the continually rising costs of higher education across the nation, many students not only struggle to make ends… Read More »

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Four Bankruptcy Myths Debunked

By Wadhwani & Shanfeld |

Over one million people file for bankruptcy in the U.S. every year. Bankruptcy can be a good option for many people to help them settle their debts and regain their financial freedom. While there are plenty of good reasons why a person would choose this option, there are many inaccurate myths surrounding bankruptcy that… Read More »

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Four Reasons Why You Should Hire a Bankruptcy Attorney

By Wadhwani & Shanfeld |

If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you may be wondering whether it is worth it to hire a bankruptcy attorney or just take your chances handling it on your own. You may be thinking that hearing this kind of an advice from a bankruptcy lawyer is biased, but in order to explain why… Read More »

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